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Starting your activity journey

Simple answers to common barriers that prevent Disabled people from taking part.

Reading Level: Beginner
Reading Time: 3 minutes

It can be difficult to know where to start. Getting active is so important, so do you want to take part, but don’t know how to get past some of the most common barriers?

Read below for some no-frills advice pushing through some of life’s most common barriers.

No time to get active

  • Make an action plan
  • Spend more time with family and friends and be active with them
  • Fit physical activity into everyday activities, e.g., dancing around the kitchen whilst cooking dinner
  • Be active when travelling, e.g., wheel to the shops instead of getting the bus

Lack of support or access

  • Find a partner you’d like to do physical activity with
  • Connect with your organisations in your local community to find out about accessible opportunities
  • In poor weather, try exercising with a video or with the resources
  • If you have a personal budget, see if you could use this to take part in physical activity or sport

"I can't get active"

  • Start with what you know and build your skills.
  • Do what works and focus on what you can do
  • Think of activities that you enjoy, such as dancing or gardening, rather than forcing yourself to do things completely out of your comfort zone
  • Take a tour of a facility that offers an activity that interests you.

Physical barriers

  • If pain is a barrier, being more active may actually be effective in reducing pain
  • Starting physical activity can be difficult when you feel fatigued, but it’s worth it in the end.
  • Do what you feel comfortable with, often you’ll feel more energised and much better after a workout