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‘We Are Undefeatable’ charities produce videos to support people with health conditions to move more

This short news article announces the release of new videos from the We are Undefeatable coalition of charities.

By Gail Curry, Physical Activity Campaign & Project Coordinator, Richmond Group of Charities / We Are Undefeatable

The Richmond Group of Charities, in partnership with Mind, Parkinson’s UK and MS Society is excited to launch today (29th November) a series of physical activity videos entitled Make Your Move, aimed at people living with long term conditions and the common symptoms associated with them, to help them move more in a way that works for them.

Developed by the charity partners who brought you the award-winning We Are Undefeatable campaign, along with experienced instructors, there are 6 different physical activity sessions, each around 15 minutes long and each offering three different ways of doing the exercises – from a chair, assisted and standing. The sessions are Dance with Anne, Energy with Alex, Balance with Sandra, Strength with Alex, Boxing with Michelle, and Mindfulness with Sandra.

The videos were developed using insight from people living with long term conditions, responding to a need to support people to find ways to be active at home that are flexible and take into consideration the day-to-day fluctuations in symptoms that people experience and are suitable for all levels. With this in the mind, each session is designed so that no experience or knowledge of a specific activity is needed, nor specialist equipment and there is a chance to take pauses throughout so that the video can be followed at a pace that suits everyone.

The varied instructed activities are designed to improve strength, balance, coordination, and energy and reduce stress. The sessions are accompanied by appropriate safety messages, instructions and signposting to more information and support and feature an introduction from GP and physical activity clinical champion Dr Andrew Boyd, that reinforces the important message that for most people with long term conditions, physical activity is safe, and the benefits can greatly outweigh the risks

Check out this short video to find out more:

Richmond Group Director Neil Tester said: “This project was so important because physical activity has been proven to help manage many symptoms including pain and tiredness, as well as improve overall wellbeing, mood and sleep. These brilliant videos have come at just the right time.

“People with long term conditions have told us they’re looking for something different, fun, motivational and pitched at all levels. We’ve heard how they would love to feel encouraged by instructors who they feel are approachable, relatable and above all likeable, and we believe we have found that in Anne, Alex, Michelle, and Sandra.

“Of great importance, especially as the darker colder weather comes in and people may find movement and motivation more of a challenge, is the focus on going at a pace that suits you and coming back to the videos when you feel it right for you. That, along with a session on mindful movement which is specifically designed to support mental health, should ensure that people with long term conditions and the symptoms the experience as a result, will find something appropriate for them.”

The videos are a great resource for healthcare professionals, carers, social prescribing link workers, charities, community groups and instructors, to use and share with the people they support and work with. Local charities, healthcare professionals, and community groups can also order DVDs to share with the people they support who may not have access to the videos online.

The videos are on YouTube so they can be watched on a phone, tablet, laptop or smart TV. They’re also available from our charity partners and local Active Partnerships.

Please help us by sharing the videos widely amongst your networks and find out how to get a DVD, email

The project has been supported by Sport England, with funding from The National Lottery. The Richmond Group of Charities is a coalition of the leading health and social care organisations in the voluntary sector, working together as a collective voice to better influence health and social care policy and practice.